I am a clinical professor in the Department of Human Oncology. My work focuses on treatment planning and quality assurance, areas in which I have made significant clinical academic and service accomplishments. I am currently the lead clinical TomoTherapy physicist and principle physicist on the UW Radixact research system, working on motion management strategies. In 2016 my teaching was recognized with a UW Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award. I developed a graduate treatment planning course and laboratory in 2002 and expanded it to include physics and MD residents. In 2015 and 2017, I traveled to China for the UW Top Physicist Development Project to teach for the collaborative UW–Madison and Tianjin University Medical Physics Master’s Degree program. I serve on PhD candidate and junior faculty mentoring committees and act as a liaison between the clinic and the graduate education program, promoting student clinical volunteer opportunities. I am also committed to physician, resident and dosimetry education. I have served as Physics Exam Section Chair for the ACR In-Training Radiation Oncology Exam. I served as the dosimetry supervisor and developed the clinical practicum for the UW–La Crosse Dosimetry Program at the UW Hospital, which began in 2014. In 2015, I was awarded a JCERT Certificate of Excellence Award for Clinical Educators. My interests are reflected in my AAPM involvement, serving on and chairing subcommittees under both education and professional councils. I am the AAPM liaison to the Medical Dosimetry Certification Board. I served as Chair of the AAPM SUFP and chaired MPPG #5a and currently serve on the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. I am also an active member of the NC Chapter and served as treasurer/secretary.
PhD, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Medical Physics (2002)
MS, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Medical Physics (1999)
BS, University of Wyoming, Physics (1997)
BA, University of Vermont, Political Science (1992)
Academic Appointments
Director of Faculty Development and Academic Affairs, Human Oncology (2018)
Clinical Professor, Human Oncology (2018)
Clinical Associate Professor, Human Oncology, Medical Physics (2012)
Clinical Assistant Professor, Human Oncology, Physics (2005)
Selected Honors and Awards
University of Wisconsin Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award (2016)
Certificate of Excellence Award for Clinical Educators, JCERT (Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology) (2015)
UW Academic Staff Professional Development Grant (2011)
UW Medical Education Development and Leadership (MEDAL) Teaching Faculty Development Program (2008)
UW Vilas Travel Grant (2001)
Student Travel Grant, Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS) (1999)
Boards, Advisory Committees and Professional Organizations
Board of Directors, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (2017–present)
Member, Medical Dosimetry Certification Board (2015–present)
Member, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (1999–present)
Research Focus
Clinical Operations, Motion Management, MR-Guided Radiotherapy, TomoTherapy, Treatment Planning Systems
Dr. Jennifer Smilowitz specializes in treatment planning and quality assurance. She is the lead clinical TomoTherapy physicist and principle physicist on the UW Radixact research system, working on motion management strategies. She serves on PhD candidate and junior faculty mentoring committees and acts as a liaison between the clinic and the graduate education program.
Dataset for gastrointestinal tract segmentation on serial MRIs for abdominal tumor radiotherapy Data in brief
Lee SL, Yadav P, Li Y, Meudt JJ, Strang J, Hebel D, Alfson A, Olson SJ, Kruser TR, Smilowitz JB, Borchert K, Loritz B, Gharzai L, Karimpour S, Bayouth J, Bassetti MF
2024 Nov 26;57:111159. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.111159. eCollection 2024 Dec.
PURPOSE: Integrated MRI and linear accelerator systems (MR-Linacs) provide superior soft tissue contrast, and the capability of adapting radiotherapy plans to changes in daily anatomy. In this dataset, serial MRIs of the abdomen of patients undergoing radiotherapy were collected and the luminal gastro-intestinal tract was segmented to support an online segmentation algorithm competition. This dataset may be further utilized by radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and data scientists to further improve auto segmentation algorithms.
ACQUISITION AND VALIDATION OF METHODS: Serial 0.35T MRIs from patients who were treated on an MR-Linac for tumors located in the abdomen were collected. The stomach, small intestine and large intestine were manually segmented on all MRIs by a team of annotators under the supervision of a board-certified radiation oncologist. Annotator segmentations were validated on 4 representative abdominal MRIs by comparing to the radiation oncologist's contours using 3D Hausdorff distance and 3D Dice coefficient metrics.
DATA FORMAT AND USAGE NOTES: The dataset includes 467 de-identified scans and their contours from 107 patients. Each patient underwent 1-5 MRI scans of the abdomen. Most of the scans consisted of 144 axial slices with a pixel resolution of 1.5 × 1.5 × 3 mm, leading to 67,248 total slices in the dataset. Images in DICOM format were converted into Portable Graphics Format (PNG) files. Each Portable Graphics Format (PNG) image file stored a slice of the scan, with pixels recorded in 16 bits to cover the full range of intensity values. DICOM-RT segmentations were converted into Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format. Data including images and the annotations is publicly available at https://www.kaggle.com/ds/3577354.
POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS: While manual segmentations are subject to bias and inter-observer variability, the dataset has been used for the UW-Madison GI Tract Image Segmentation Challenge hosted by Kaggle and may be used for ongoing segmentation algorithm development and potentially for dose accumulation algorithms.
PMID:39717135 | PMC:PMC11663993 | DOI:10.1016/j.dib.2024.111159
View details for PubMedID 39717135
AAPM Task Group Report 306: Quality control and assurance for tomotherapy: An update to Task Group Report 148 Medical physics
Chen Q, Rong Y, Burmeister JW, Chao EH, Corradini NA, Followill DS, Li XA, Liu A, Qi XS, Shi H, Smilowitz JB
2023 Mar;50(3):e25-e52. doi: 10.1002/mp.16150. Epub 2023 Jan 23.
Since the publication of AAPM Task Group (TG) 148 on quality assurance (QA) for helical tomotherapy, there have been many new developments on the tomotherapy platform involving treatment delivery, on-board imaging options, motion management, and treatment planning systems (TPSs). In response to a need for guidance on quality control (QC) and QA for these technologies, the AAPM Therapy Physics Committee commissioned TG 306 to review these changes and make recommendations related to these technology updates. The specific objectives of this TG were (1) to update, as needed, recommendations on tolerance limits, frequencies and QC/QA testing methodology in TG 148, (2) address the commissioning and necessary QA checks, as a supplement to Medical Physics Practice Guidelines (MPPG) with respect to tomotherapy TPS and (3) to provide risk-based recommendations on the new technology implemented clinically and treatment delivery workflow. Detailed recommendations on QA tests and their tolerance levels are provided for dynamic jaws, binary multileaf collimators, and Synchrony motion management. A subset of TPS commissioning and QA checks in MPPG 5.a. applicable to tomotherapy are recommended. In addition, failure mode and effects analysis has been conducted among TG members to obtain multi-institutional analysis on tomotherapy-related failure modes and their effect ranking.
PMID:36512742 | DOI:10.1002/mp.16150
View details for PubMedID 36512742
AAPM MEDICAL PHYSICS PRACTICE GUIDELINE 5.b: Commissioning and QA of treatment planning dose calculations-Megavoltage photon and electron beams Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Geurts MW, Jacqmin DJ, Jones LE, Kry SF, Mihailidis DN, Ohrt JD, Ritter T, Smilowitz JB, Wingreen NE
2022 Sep;23(9):e13641. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13641. Epub 2022 Aug 10.
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is a nonprofit professional society whose primary purposes are to advance the science, education, and professional practice of medical physics. The AAPM has more than 8000 members and is the principal organization of medical physicists in the United States. The AAPM will periodically define new practice guidelines for medical physics practice to help advance the science of medical physics and to improve the quality of service to patients throughout the United States. Existing medical physics practice guidelines will be reviewed for the purpose of revision or renewal, as appropriate, on their fifth anniversary or sooner. Each medical physics practice guideline represents a policy statement by the AAPM, has undergone a thorough consensus process in which it has been subjected to extensive review, and requires the approval of the Professional Council. The medical physics practice guidelines recognize that the safe and effective use of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology requires specific training, skills, and techniques, as described in each document. Reproduction or modification of the published practice guidelines and technical standards by those entities not providing these services is not authorized. The following terms are used in the AAPM practice guidelines: Must and Must Not: Used to indicate that adherence to the recommendation is considered necessary to conform to this practice guideline. While must is the term to be used in the guidelines, if an entity that adopts the guideline has shall as the preferred term, the AAPM considers that must and shall have the same meaning. Should and Should Not: Used to indicate a prudent practice to which exceptions may occasionally be made in appropriate circumstances.
PMID:35950259 | PMC:PMC9512346 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.13641
View details for PubMedID 35950259
Using 4D dose accumulation to calculate organ-at-risk dose deviations from motion-synchronized liver and lung tomotherapy treatments Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Ferris WS, Chao EH, Smilowitz JB, Kimple RJ, Bayouth JE, Culberson WS
2022 Jul;23(7):e13627. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13627. Epub 2022 Apr 29.
Tracking systems such as Radixact Synchrony change the planned delivery of radiation during treatment to follow the target. This is typically achieved without considering the location changes of organs at risk (OARs). The goal of this work was to develop a novel 4D dose accumulation framework to quantify OAR dose deviations due to the motion and tracked treatment. The framework obtains deformation information and the target motion pattern from a four-dimensional computed tomography dataset. The helical tomotherapy treatment plan is split into 10 plans and motion correction is applied separately to the jaw pattern and multi-leaf collimator (MLC) sinogram for each phase based on the location of the target in each phase. Deformable image registration (DIR) is calculated from each phase to the references phase using a commercial algorithm, and doses are accumulated according to the DIR. The effect of motion synchronization on OAR dose was analyzed for five lung and five liver subjects by comparing planned versus synchrony-accumulated dose. The motion was compensated by an average of 1.6 cm of jaw sway and by an average of 5.7% of leaf openings modified, indicating that most of the motion compensation was from jaw sway and not MLC changes. OAR dose deviations as large as 19 Gy were observed, and for all 10 cases, dose deviations greater than 7 Gy were observed. Target dose remained relatively constant (D95% within 3 Gy), confirming that motion-synchronization achieved the goal of maintaining target dose. Dose deviations provided by the framework can be leveraged during the treatment planning process by identifying cases where OAR doses may change significantly from their planned values with respect to the critical constraints. The framework is specific to synchronized helical tomotherapy treatments, but the OAR dose deviations apply to any real-time tracking technique that does not consider location changes of OARs.
PMID:35486094 | PMC:PMC9278681 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.13627
View details for PubMedID 35486094
Effects of variable-width jaw motion on beam characteristics for Radixact Synchrony® Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Ferris WS, Culberson WS, Smilowitz JB, Bayouth JE
2021 May;22(5):175-181. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13234. Epub 2021 Mar 29.
PURPOSE: Radixact Synchrony corrects for target motion during treatment by adjusting the jaw and MLC positions in real time. As the jaws move off axis, Synchrony attempts to adjust for a loss in output due to the un-flattened 6 MV beam by increasing the jaw aperture width. The purpose of this work was to assess the impact of the variable-width aperture on delivered dose using measurements and simulations.
METHODS: Longitudinal beam profile measurements were acquired using an Edge diode with static gantry. Jaw-offset peak, width, and integral factors were calculated for profiles with the jaws in the extreme positions using both variable-width (Synchrony) and fixed-width apertures. Treatment plans with target motion and compensation were compared to planned doses to study the impact of the variable aperture on volumetric dose.
RESULTS: The jaw offset peak factor (JOPF) for the Synchrony jaw settings were 0.964 and 0.983 for the 1.0- and 2.5-cm jaw settings, respectively. These values decreased to 0.925 and 0.982 for the fixed-width settings, indicating that the peak value of the profile would decrease by 7.5% compared to centered if the aperture width was held constant. The IMRT dose distributions reveal similar results, where gamma pass rates are above tolerance for the Synchrony jaw settings but fall significantly for the fixed-width 1-cm jaws.
CONCLUSIONS: The variable-width behavior of Synchrony jaws provides a larger output correction for the 1-cm jaw setting. Without the variable-aperture correction, plans with the 1-cm jaw setting would underdose the target if the jaws spend a significant amount of time in the extreme positions. This work investigated the change in delivered dose with jaws in the extreme positions, therefore overall changes in dose due to offset jaws are expected to be less for composite treatment deliveries.
PMID:33779041 | PMC:PMC8130229 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.13234
View details for PubMedID 33779041
A clinical validation of the MR-compatible Delta<sup>4</sup> QA system in a 0.35 tesla MR linear accelerator Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Desai V, Bayouth J, Smilowitz J, Yadav P
2021 Apr;22(4):82-91. doi: 10.1002/acm2.13216. Epub 2021 Mar 5.
PURPOSE: To validate an MR-compatible version of the ScandiDos Delta4 Phantom+ on a 0.35T MR guided linear accelerator (MR-Linac) system and to determine the effect of plan complexity on the measurement results.
METHODS/MATERIALS: 36 clinical treatment plans originally delivered on a 0.35T MR linac system were re-planned on the Delta4 Phantom+ MR geometry following our clinical quality assurance (QA) protocol. The QA plans were then measured using the Delta4 Phantom+ MR and the global gamma pass rates were compared to previous results measured using a Sun Nuclear ArcCHECK-MR. Both 3%/3mm and 2%/2mm global gamma pass rates with a 20% dose threshold were recorded and compared. Plan complexity was quantified for each clinical plan investigated using 24 different plan metrics and each metric's correlation with the overall 2%/2mm global gamma pass rate was investigated using Pearson correlation coefficients.
RESULTS: Both systems demonstrated comparable levels of gamma pass rates at both the 3%/3mm and 2%/2mm level for all plan complexity metrics. Nine plan metrics including area, number of active MLCs, perimeter, edge metric, leaf segment variability, complete irradiation area outline, irregularity, leaf travel index, and unique opening index were moderately (|r| > 0.5) correlated with the Delta4 2%/2mm global gamma pass rates whereas those same metrics had weak correlation with the ArcCHECK-MR pass rates. Only the perimeter to area ratio and small aperture score (20 mm) metrics showed moderate correlation with the ArcCHECK-MR gamma pass rates.
CONCLUSIONS: The MR-compatible version of the ScandiDos Delta4 Phantom+ MR has been validated for clinical use on a 0.35T MR-Linac with results being comparable to an ArcCHECK-MR system in use clinically for almost five years. Most plan complexity metrics did not correlate with lower 2%/2mm gamma pass rates using the ArcCHECK-MR but several metrics were found to be moderately correlated with lower 2%/2mm global gamma pass rates for the Delta4 Phantom+ MR.
PMID:33666360 | PMC:PMC8035559 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.13216
View details for PubMedID 33666360
Evaluation of radixact motion synchrony for 3D respiratory motion: Modeling accuracy and dosimetric fidelity Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Ferris WS, Kissick MW, Bayouth JE, Culberson WS, Smilowitz JB
2020 Sep;21(9):96-106. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12978. Epub 2020 Jul 21.
The Radixact® linear accelerator contains the motion Synchrony system, which tracks and compensates for intrafraction patient motion. For respiratory motion, the system models the motion of the target and synchronizes the delivery of radiation with this motion using the jaws and multi-leaf collimators (MLCs). It was the purpose of this work to determine the ability of the Synchrony system to track and compensate for different phantom motions using a delivery quality assurance (DQA) workflow. Thirteen helical plans were created on static datasets from liver, lung, and pancreas subjects. Dose distributions were measured using a Delta4® Phantom+ mounted on a Hexamotion® stage for the following three case scenarios for each plan: (a) no phantom motion and no Synchrony (M0S0), (b) phantom motion and no Synchrony (M1S0), and (c) phantom motion with Synchrony (M1S1). The LEDs were placed on the Phantom+ for the 13 patient cases and were placed on a separate one-dimensional surrogate stage for additional studies to investigate the effect of separate target and surrogate motion. The root-mean-square (RMS) error between the Synchrony-modeled positions and the programmed phantom positions was <1.5 mm for all Synchrony deliveries with the LEDs on the Phantom+. The tracking errors increased slightly when the LEDs were placed on the surrogate stage but were similar to tracking errors observed for other motion tracking systems such as CyberKnife Synchrony. One-dimensional profiles indicate the effects of motion interplay and dose blurring present in several of the M1S0 plans that are not present in the M1S1 plans. All 13 of the M1S1 measured doses had gamma pass rates (3%/2 mm/10%T) compared to the planned dose > 90%. Only two of the M1S0 measured doses had gamma pass rates > 90%. Motion Synchrony offers a potential alternative to the current, ITV-based motion management strategy for helical tomotherapy deliveries.
PMID:32691973 | PMC:PMC7497925 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.12978
View details for PubMedID 32691973
Evaluation of a commercial Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithm for electron treatment planning Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Huang JY, Dunkerley D, Smilowitz JB
2019 Jun;20(6):184-193. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12622. Epub 2019 May 23.
The RayStation treatment planning system implements a Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm for electron dose calculations. For a TrueBeam accelerator, beam modeling was performed for four electron energies (6, 9, 12, and 15 MeV), and the dose calculation accuracy was tested for a range of geometries. The suite of validation tests included those tests recommended by AAPM's Medical Physics Practice Guideline 5.a, but extended beyond these tests in order to validate the MC algorithm in more challenging geometries. For MPPG 5.a testing, calculation accuracy was evaluated for square cutouts of various sizes, two custom cutout shapes, oblique incidence, and heterogenous media (cork). In general, agreement between ion chamber measurements and RayStation dose calculations was excellent and well within suggested tolerance limits. However, this testing did reveal calculation errors for the output of small cutouts. Of the 312 output factors evaluated for square cutouts, 20 (6.4%) were outside of 3% and 5 (1.6%) were outside of 5%, with these larger errors generally being for the smallest cutout sizes within a given applicator. Adjustment of beam modeling parameters did not fix these calculation errors, nor does the planning software allow the user to input correction factors as a function of field size. Additional validation tests included several complex phantom geometries (triangular nose phantom, lung phantom, curved breast phantom, and cortical bone phantom), designed to test the ability of the algorithm to handle high density heterogeneities and irregular surface contours. In comparison to measurements with radiochromic film, RayStation showed good agreement, with an average of 89.3% pixels passing for gamma analysis (3%/3mm) across four phantom geometries. The MC algorithm was able to accurately handle the presence of irregular surface contours (curved cylindrical phantom and a triangular nose phantom), as well as heterogeneities (cork and cortical bone).
PMID:31120615 | PMC:PMC6560228 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.12622
View details for PubMedID 31120615
Long-term dosimetric stability of multiple TomoTherapy delivery systems Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Smilowitz JB, Dunkerley D, Hill PM, Yadav P, Geurts MW
2017 May;18(3):137-143. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12085. Epub 2017 May 2.
The dosimetric stability of six TomoTherapy units was analyzed to investigate changes in performance over time and with system upgrades. Energy and output were tracked using monitor chamber signal, onboard megavoltage computed tomography (MVCT) detector profile, and external ion chamber measurements. The systems (and monitoring periods) include three Hi-Art (67, 61, and 65 mos.), two TomoHDA (31 and 26 mos.), and one Radixact unit (11 mos.), representing approximately 10 years of clinical use. The four newest systems use the Dose Control Stability (DCS) system and Fixed Target Linear Accelerator (linac) (FTL). The output stability is reported as deviation from reference monitor chamber signal for all systems and/or from an external chamber signal. The energy stability was monitored using relative (center versus off-axis) MVCT detector signal (beam profile) and/or the ratio of chamber measurements at 2 depths. The clinical TomoHDA data were used to benchmark the Radixact stability, which has the same FTL but runs at a higher dose rate. The output based on monitor chamber data of all systems is very stable. The standard deviation of daily output on the non-DCS systems was 0.94-1.52%. As expected, the DCS systems had improved standard deviation: 0.004-0.06%. The beam energy was also very stable for all units. The standard deviation in profile flatness was 0.23-0.62% for rotating target systems and 0.04-0.09% for FTL. Ion chamber output and PDD ratios supported these results. The output stability on the Radixact system during extended treatment delivery (20, 30, and 40 min) was comparable to a clinical TomoHDA system. For each system, results are consistent between different measurement tools and techniques, proving not only the dosimetric stability, but also these quality parameters can be confirmed with various metrics. The replacement history over extended time periods of the major dosimetric components of the different delivery systems (target, linac, and magnetron) is also reported.
PMID:28464517 | PMC:PMC5689853 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.12085
View details for PubMedID 28464517
Implementation of the validation testing in MPPG 5.a "Commissioning and QA of treatment planning dose calculations-megavoltage photon and electron beams" Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Jacqmin DJ, Bredfeldt JS, Frigo SP, Smilowitz JB
2017 Jan;18(1):115-127. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12015. Epub 2016 Dec 5.
The AAPM Medical Physics Practice Guideline (MPPG) 5.a provides concise guidance on the commissioning and QA of beam modeling and dose calculation in radiotherapy treatment planning systems. This work discusses the implementation of the validation testing recommended in MPPG 5.a at two institutions. The two institutions worked collaboratively to create a common set of treatment fields and analysis tools to deliver and analyze the validation tests. This included the development of a novel, open-source software tool to compare scanning water tank measurements to 3D DICOM-RT Dose distributions. Dose calculation algorithms in both Pinnacle and Eclipse were tested with MPPG 5.a to validate the modeling of Varian TrueBeam linear accelerators. The validation process resulted in more than 200 water tank scans and more than 50 point measurements per institution, each of which was compared to a dose calculation from the institution's treatment planning system (TPS). Overall, the validation testing recommended in MPPG 5.a took approximately 79 person-hours for a machine with four photon and five electron energies for a single TPS. Of the 79 person-hours, 26 person-hours required time on the machine, and the remainder involved preparation and analysis. The basic photon, electron, and heterogeneity correction tests were evaluated with the tolerances in MPPG 5.a, and the tolerances were met for all tests. The MPPG 5.a evaluation criteria were used to assess the small field and IMRT/VMAT validation tests. Both institutions found the use of MPPG 5.a to be a valuable resource during the commissioning process. The validation testing in MPPG 5.a showed the strengths and limitations of the TPS models. In addition, the data collected during the validation testing is useful for routine QA of the TPS, validation of software upgrades, and commissioning of new algorithms.
PMID:28291929 | PMC:PMC5689890 | DOI:10.1002/acm2.12015
View details for PubMedID 28291929
State of dose prescription and compliance to international standard (ICRU-83) in intensity modulated radiation therapy among academic institutions Practical radiation oncology
Das IJ, Andersen A, Chen ZJ, Dimofte A, Glatstein E, Hoisak J, Huang L, Langer MP, Lee C, Pacella M, Popple RA, Rice R, Smilowitz J, Sponseller P, Zhu T
2017 Mar-Apr;7(2):e145-e155. doi: 10.1016/j.prro.2016.11.003. Epub 2016 Nov 13.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate dose prescription and recording compliance to international standard (International Commission on Radiation Units & Measurements [ICRU]-83) in patients treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) among academic institutions.
METHODS AND MATERIALS: Ten institutions participated in this study to collect IMRT data to evaluate compliance to ICRU-83. Under institutional review board clearance, data from 5094 patients-including treatment site, technique, planner, physician, prescribed dose, target volume, monitor units, planning system, and dose calculation algorithm-were collected anonymously. The dose-volume histogram of each patient, as well as dose points, doses delivered to 100% (D100), 98% (D98), 95% (D95), 50% (D50), and 2% (D2), of sites was collected and sent to a central location for analysis. Homogeneity index (HI) as a measure of the steepness of target and is a measure of the shape of the dose-volume histogram was calculated for every patient and analyzed.
RESULTS: In general, ICRU recommendations for naming the target, reporting dose prescription, and achieving desired levels of dose to target were relatively poor. The nomenclature for the target in the dose prescription had large variations, having every permutation of name and number contrary to ICRU recommendations. There was statistically significant variability in D95, D50, and HI among institutions, tumor site, and technique with P values < .01. Nearly 95% of patients had D50 higher than 100% (103.5 ± 6.9) of prescribed dose and varied among institutions. On the other hand, D95 was close to 100% (97.1 ± 9.4) of prescribed dose. Liver and lung sites had a higher D50 compared with other sites. Pelvic sites had a lower variability indicated by HI (0.13 ± 1.21). Variability in D50 is 101.2 ± 8.5, 103.4 ± 6.8, 103.4 ± 8.2, and 109.5 ± 11.5 for IMRT, tomotherapy, volume modulated arc therapy, and stereotactic body radiation therapy with IMRT, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Nearly 95% of patient treatments deviated from the ICRU-83 recommended D50 prescription dose delivery. This variability is significant (P < .01) in terms of treatment site, technique, and institution. To reduce dosimetric and associated radiation outcome variability, dose prescription in every clinical trial should be unified with international guidelines.
PMID:28274405 | DOI:10.1016/j.prro.2016.11.003
View details for PubMedID 28274405
AAPM Medical Physics Practice Guideline 5.a.: Commissioning and QA of Treatment Planning Dose Calculations - Megavoltage Photon and Electron Beams Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Smilowitz JB, Das IJ, Feygelman V, Fraass BA, Kry SF, Marshall IR, Mihailidis DN, Ouhib Z, Ritter T, Snyder MG, Fairobent L, Group GT
2015 Sep 8;16(5):14–34. doi: 10.1120/jacmp.v16i5.5768.
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) is a nonprofit professional society whose primary purposes are to advance the science, education and professional practice of medical physics. The AAPM has more than 8,000 members and is the principal organization of medical physicists in the United States. The AAPM will periodically define new practice guidelines for medical physics practice to help advance the science of medical physics and to improve the quality of service to patients throughout the United States. Existing medical physics practice guidelines will be reviewed for the purpose of revision or renewal, as appropriate, on their fifth anniversary or sooner. Each medical physics practice guideline represents a policy statement by the AAPM, has undergone a thorough consensus process in which it has been subjected to extensive review, and requires the approval of the Professional Council. The medical physics practice guidelines recognize that the safe and effective use of diagnostic and therapeutic radiology requires specific training, skills, and techniques, as described in each document. Reproduction or modification of the published practice guidelines and technical standards by those entities not providing these services is not authorized. The following terms are used in the AAPM practice guidelines:• Must and Must Not: Used to indicate that adherence to the recommendation is considered necessary to conform to this practice guideline.• Should and Should Not: Used to indicate a prudent practice to which exceptions may occasionally be made in appropriate circumstances.
PMID:26699330 | PMC:PMC5690154 | DOI:10.1120/jacmp.v16i5.5768
View details for PubMedID 26699330
Realization of fluence field modulated CT on a clinical TomoTherapy megavoltage CT system Physics in medicine and biology
Szczykutowicz TP, Hermus J, Geurts M, Smilowitz J
2015 Sep 21;60(18):7245-57. doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/60/18/7245. Epub 2015 Sep 8.
The multi-leaf collimator (MLC) assembly present on TomoTherapy (Accuray, Madison WI) radiation therapy (RT) and mega voltage CT machines is well suited to perform fluence field modulated CT (FFMCT). In addition, there is a demand in the RT environment for FFMCT imaging techniques, specifically volume of interest (VOI) imaging. A clinical TomoTherapy machine was programmed to perform VOI. Four different size ROIs were placed at varying distances from isocenter. Projections intersecting the VOI received 'full dose' while those not intersecting the VOI received 30% of the dose (i.e. the incident fluence for non VOI projections was 30% of the incident fluence for projections intersecting the VOI). Additional scans without fluence field modulation were acquired at 'full' and 30% dose. The noise (pixel standard deviation) and mean CT number were measured inside the VOI region and compared between the three scans. Dose maps were generated using a dedicated TomoTherapy treatment planning dose calculator. The VOI-FFMCT technique produced an image noise 1.05, 1.00, 1.03, and 1.05 times higher than the 'full dose' scan for ROI sizes of 10 cm, 13 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm respectively within the VOI region. The VOI-FFMCT technique required a total imaging dose equal to 0.61, 0.69, 0.60, and 0.50 times the 'full dose' acquisition dose for ROI sizes of 10 cm, 13 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm respectively within the VOI region. Noise levels can be almost unchanged within clinically relevant VOIs sizes for RT applications while the integral imaging dose to the patient can be decreased, and/or the image quality in RT can be dramatically increased with no change in dose relative to non-FFMCT RT imaging. The ability to shift dose away from regions unimportant for clinical evaluation in order to improve image quality or reduce imaging dose has been demonstrated. This paper demonstrates that FFMCT can be performed using the MLC on a clinical TomoTherapy machine for the first time.
PMID:26348406 | DOI:10.1088/0031-9155/60/18/7245
View details for PubMedID 26348406
Report on the American Association of Medical Physics Undergraduate Fellowship Programs Journal of applied clinical medical physics
Smilowitz JB, Avery S, Gueye P, Sandison GA
2013 Jan 7;14(1):4159. doi: 10.1120/jacmp.v14i1.4159.
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) sponsors two summer undergraduate research programs to attract top performing undergraduate students into graduate studies in medical physics: the Summer Undergraduate Fellowship Program (SUFP) and the Minority Undergraduate Summer Experience (MUSE). Undergraduate research experience (URE) is an effective tool to encourage students to pursue graduate degrees. The SUFP and MUSE are the only medical physics URE programs. From 2001 to 2012, 148 fellowships have been awarded and a total of $608,000 has been dispersed to fellows. This paper reports on the history, participation, and status of the programs. A review of surveys of past fellows is presented. Overall, the fellows and mentors are very satisfied with the program. The efficacy of the programs is assessed by four metrics: entry into a medical physics graduate program, board certification, publications, and AAPM involvement. Sixty-five percent of past fellow respondents decided to pursue a graduate degree in medical physics as a result of their participation in the program. Seventy percent of respondents are currently involved in some educational or professional aspect of medical physics. Suggestions for future enhancements to better track and maintain contact with past fellows, expand funding sources, and potentially combine the programs are presented.
PMID:23318397 | PMC:PMC5714055 | DOI:10.1120/jacmp.v14i1.4159
View details for PubMedID 23318397
Dose calculation on kV cone beam CT images: an investigation of the Hu-density conversion stability and dose accuracy using the site-specific calibration Medical dosimetry : official journal of the American Association of Medical Dosimetrists
Rong Y, Smilowitz J, Tewatia D, Tomé WA, Paliwal B
2010 Autumn;35(3):195-207. doi: 10.1016/j.meddos.2009.06.001. Epub 2009 Jul 15.
Precise calibration of Hounsfield units (HU) to electron density (HU-density) is essential to dose calculation. On-board kV cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging is used predominantly for patients' positioning, but will potentially be used for dose calculation. The impacts of varying 3 imaging parameters (mAs, source-imager distance [SID], and cone angle) and phantom size on the HU number accuracy and HU-density calibrations for CBCT imaging were studied. We proposed a site-specific calibration method to achieve higher accuracy in CBCT image-based dose calculation. Three configurations of the Computerized Imaging Reference Systems (CIRS) water equivalent electron density phantom were used to simulate sites including head, lungs, and lower body (abdomen/pelvis). The planning computed tomography (CT) scan was used as the baseline for comparisons. CBCT scans of these phantom configurations were performed using Varian Trilogy system in a precalibrated mode with fixed tube voltage (125 kVp), but varied mAs, SID, and cone angle. An HU-density curve was generated and evaluated for each set of scan parameters. Three HU-density tables generated using different phantom configurations with the same imaging parameter settings were selected for dose calculation on CBCT images for an accuracy comparison. Changing mAs or SID had small impact on HU numbers. For adipose tissue, the HU discrepancy from the baseline was 20 HU in a small phantom, but 5 times lager in a large phantom. Yet, reducing the cone angle significantly decreases the HU discrepancy. The HU-density table was also affected accordingly. By performing dose comparison between CT and CBCT image-based plans, results showed that using the site-specific HU-density tables to calibrate CBCT images of different sites improves the dose accuracy to approximately 2%. Our phantom study showed that CBCT imaging can be a feasible option for dose computation in adaptive radiotherapy approach if the site-specific calibration is applied.
PMID:19931031 | DOI:10.1016/j.meddos.2009.06.001
View details for PubMedID 19931031
Contact Information
Jennifer Smilowitz, PhD
Clinical Science Center 600 Highland Avenue, K4/b51, 0600,Madison, WI 53792